Friday, July 01, 2005

How the World Revolves in an Endless Night

How the world revolves in an endless night ~

Funny how the world revolves, round and round it goes. To some it might look as though it’s not moved, not in motion or in a complacent tiresome state. How the world keeps going, as some people stay still, no motion, no advancement, no acceptance to the concept of motion. Round and Round it goes, which exit, no body knows. When is it your turn to step off this ride? When is it time for the motion to stop?

Ever see yourself on a carousal ride? Riding the horses, lions and tigers OH MY? Which way to the big top, which way is down? When is this ride ever going to end! This merry-go-around keeps circling around and around, faster and faster with no end in site. Where is the trash can, I think I need to puke!

Funnier even is how we use to love to be spun around as a kid. Never getting enough of it, even if we puked our guts up to no end. Parents would hold our hair back from our head, patting our backs reminding us of what we ate.

I rode that carousal for way to long. Time is of the essence now. Time for the world to pick up speed and move forward for me. It’s been a long day coming, who knows where it will take me.

Round and round we go. Time is at a complete stand, no where to go. Not knowing which way to get off this ride. Round and round I go…. Which way is the exit is completely unknown. Wandering aimlessly in a fogged state of mind, trying to correlate my thoughts before they fall out of me. Round and round, spinning out of control, trying to find any ejection button to release me. I want to run wild, run until the ride stops, but can’t find any end in site.

Looks around for any sign, a sign above all else. Can’t see anything in site, nothing looks right, nothing is correct, nothing is wrong, just something is biting me. Slaps my senses into place, tries to catch even the smallest little thing. Spacing out in time, refracting my mind, to gain control of a inter being that trapped in conjure, trapped in a state of mind that is bound. Not sure of anything now, not sure of whom I really have become… Round and Round, the carousal spins more, but still hasn’t freed me. To many thoughts running wild in my head, too many unknowns gathered, to many regrets.

I can’t breath; too much has taken over my mind, too much thought, too much time, too much spinning, uncontrollable, pain pouring out of me. I can’t run, I can’t hide, I can’t find a place to rest my mind. I can’t rest, I can’t sleep, I can’t find anything, anything at all. Motion is all I see, too fast of a pace, not understanding why it’s so confusing for me.

Finally the world seems to be slowing down in pace, not turning around in a crazy disgrace. Slowing down enough for me, slowing down for me to finally see. Slowing down enough for me to jump, slowing, slowing, slowing and finally off. Completely at a stand still, the ride seems to have let all it’s passengers off. Easing myself off the ride, sliding myself gently off to the side, heads still in a spin, not able to keep my feet on track with the ground. I look back, look to see what I just exited, puzzled in dizziness, influenced by the natural high, feeling like I need to take two baby step backwards, knowing that nothing will make sense and think, how simple it would be if I had just not allowed the ride, round and round it went and goes, to take me off the beaten path, now I have to recluse myself. Don’t even know what direction to take, don’t even know if my feet will be able to walk oh where I need to be, but as I walk away, I keep reminding myself what to and what not to say. Clear the mind of all the thoughts, allow the world to continue on its axel spin around and around. Let my thoughts stay in there, caught up in carousal.

Oh one more thing, ranting or raving is one of my best things. In this rant, deeply lies a very strong feeling, being lost and confused, feeling a sudden spin thrown into my world. Not knowing where or when, I’ll be able to finally admit, that paranoid thoughts have been ramped inside, walls are building for no reason in mind, just feelings of confusing, lost and complacent, trying to understand, why I just didn’t listen to that little voice inside.

~~ Writers note - This was a complete free style write. No edits, corrections, no spellchecks, grammar, or any of that done. Like it or leave it, it's how it came out. Oh and remember, don't take the ride if your not 42 inches tall or have just eatten within 30 minutes. OH and what ever you do... don't breath... your lungs will kill you afterwards!

~ PkS 2005 ©

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