Monday, July 18, 2005

Doesn't Understand

Doesn’t Understand …

I was young when you decided to leave
I was not understanding the reasons that be
I was not able to grasp the world as you saw fit
I was not able to understand what made you quit

You never wanted me to know
You always thought I was too young, not able to grow
You planned your action out with careful precautions
You left in a day, a minute, not thinking of the repercussions

As time passed and the stories were told
I learned about a different person than I had once known
I learned about the hatred you desired within
I was reminded daily of your lies and all your overabundance sins

I learned a great deal from those who kept the story alive
I use to think that I was the reason you took that flight
I never understood why you could not stand up and be a man
I can only imagine that you were your biggest fan

I can only look back and now say what a pitiful disgrace
Of how you destroyed so many people’s faith
You were nothing more than a selfish desecrated old man
Lost, forgotten to a time in the world which has no end

PkS 2005 ©

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