Thursday, July 07, 2005


Zotty’s Random thought for the evening….

FOAMY! My lord and master…. FOAMY! Creamy Cheese!!!!

Thank you!

Oh PS –

If you don’t know who the hell FOAMY is…. Walk away from your computer now, shut it off, walk far away….. Ok, looks around, ok their gone. Good, now, I can scream what an IDIOT they are!!

Ah, much better.

This concludes Zotty’s random thought for the day.

Thank you!

Oh double PS - I did add a few of Foamy's famous advice tidbits to the world! Have a fun time watching all three of them... oh and your offended.... as Foamy would say, Shut the fuck up and fucking die! ROFL .... smiles!! TTFN!!

1 comment:

Dennis Gruetter said...

>>Zotty’s random thought for the day

Hey that's copyright infringement!

People owe me 2T every time they use that phrase!!!!

Love ya