Wednesday, November 06, 2002

So what is up with all the airlines giving you a time to show up? Like your plane is going to leave when they said it was.... I think not....I mean come on, we all understand bad weather, we understand that sometimes things happen but do you really think we need to just say "oh ok, sure, it's ok that the flight is delayed, yea no problem". Oh come on people, get real. Today, little zotty was delayed 5 HOURS, yep, 5 FUCKING HOURS!!! Why? Ohhh heres the good stuff.

The frist flight was delayed because of "engine problems" after we boarded, but yet, no one was working on it, we could see the plane right in front of us after we got off of it. Later, one of the ladies working for the airline stated that the captain was not able to come in and that they could not get a replacement for sometime. WHAT A CROCK! My connector was also delayed because of "weather conditions" which I also found out that it was delayed all day from each of the airports it took off from. I travel weekly for my job, I'm not this "weekender traveler" or someone who just takes the yearly vacation, so don't try to play these stupid "point the finger" at something else problems with me.

I mean, what ever happened to customer service? Thats a joke in it's self. Do you think crowding 125 people in a small space like a waiting area and then telling them that the AC is out in that terminal and that thier flight is going to be delayed for a few hours is right? Hell no it's not.Then on top of it all, they had the balls to sit us on the plane, leave us there for 45 minutes on the plane still at the gate and say "oops, theres a engine problem, everyone will have to get off this flight". Oh yea right!

So, Mr. CEO when you don't understand why you are filing Bankruptcy and want the world to feel your pain, remember this... GET SOME CUSTOMER SERVICE, GET SOME ACTION AND GET YOUR SHIT ON TIME.... AND FOR SOME STRANGE REASON THAT THERE REALLY IS A PROBLEM, DON'T LIE TO YOUR CUSTOMERS.

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