Sunday, October 02, 2005

Ok just a quick update...

Ok just a quick update.....

Yes, yes I know I promised Stop Waking Me Up earlier this summer and that I haven't forgotten it but I do have several other things over the next few weeks that will be up and on this tired old blogger!

Heres a short list of just a few things that will be out soon (something for you wacko's to read)

~Mountain Ghost - Included a very personal picture close to my heart
~To Miz Jealousy
~ I followed an Angel
~ Find Myself
~Yesterdays Tomorrow
~To Say I - Title change will most likey happen

As this particular time, I am currently working on over 125 poems, short stories, thoughts or my lovely novel that seems to be getting a wee bit too long (I HATE EDITS)... And have been really thinking of taking some mental time off from writing so much. As many of you know, I do keep a personal blog journal, and do spend a great time in that writing my daily mental breakdowns!! (aren't you all so lucky you AREN'T READING THAT!!) So my little fingers may take another break unless some power comes over me to continue.

I do want to give a huge thank you to a very close personal friend ~ Mark~ who has been my somewhat editor with a few things... Thanks again Mark for everything and thanks for calming me down when I get on my "bashing kicks"!!

Oh.. one last thing... Just a reminder... I do write from the heart, some things taken from the past, some from the future and some mixed in between. I prefer to write what most people are afraid to say, to express or to feel. I am not afraid of the dark, but more afraid of what happens when the lights are on. I hold nothing against anyone, except myself, and for anyone who truely knows me, they will know what the meaning is of each peice I write. And yes, as several of you have asked or may already know, there is always a meaning, something hidden between each line, some deep dark secret that is shadowed by words that are easlier to place on a peice of paper rather than be locked away never to be said. Take what you want from what I write, it is my legacy that I leave with these words; words with meaning, words with passion and words that define who I am behind the painted smiles.

Till a later time .... Zotty out.....

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