Tuesday, June 24, 2003


Hidden ~

Hidden in the dark corners of my mind
Shadows lurk around trying to fine
That single place to land and develop
A feast frenzy of darkness not attracted to light

Take me to shallow ground
Place me in a the earth as I lay bound
Let the dirt be thrown over my casket of pine
Let the maggots feast and dine

Let me spoil and rot
Skin falls off
Hair elapse
Nothing more left than a pine box

Hidden in the dark corners of my mind
Shadows lurk around trying to fine
A single entrance to sanity
Jolted to life from a depth of tragedy

Tainted memories of a woman once know
Broken legacy of a time withdrawn
Lynched and burned for inter peace
Destruction surrounded tranquility

Spoiled remains
Piercing reframe
Pathetic freedom
Nothing more to remain

~ PkS 2003©